Friday, February 10, 2012

Breaking my rules

As I mentioned earlier, I've been trying really hard to not start lots of new projects when I have a bag full of wips I should be working on.  I'm also trying to make some money so I've been making projects that are meant to sell.  AND I'm trying not to buy new yarn since I have a closet so full of yarn that I no longer have room for all my clothes (seriously.  I have to space out my laundry loads over a few days, because if it is all clean at once, there isn't anywhere to put it).  This week I've been bad.  Not only have I started TWO new projects, but one of them is for me (selfish knitting!) and one of them involved buying 7 new skeins of yarn.  Oops.
But anyways...they're pretty awesome projects.  The one for me is a pair of legwarmers.  I found the most fantastically tacky pair of cable-knit clogs on clearance, and I just HAD to make a matching accessory.  The other project is a granny square rainbow afghan, since Etsy seems so fond of my first rainbow squares afghan.  Naturally, I had to buy yarn in every color of the rainbow :D If my etsy site traffic stays like this, there might actually be A LOT of rainbow items in my future.  Luckily, both of these will be relatively quick projects so I'll be back on track with de-stashing and stocking my Etsy shop within the week.

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