This is sadly going to be my first not so positive yarn review :( As I mentioned several months ago, I bought a massive quantity of various multi-colored yarns. Many of these yarns look very similar to each other, but knitting with each is typically a different experience. So as I get around to making projects with them, I've been posting reviews of my experiences.
I bought two different shades of Boku, "16 Purple, Grey, Magenta" and "17 Purple, Pink, Green". Both projects I made with this yarn involved striping the two different colorways. One was the linen-stitch scarf pictured above, the other was this striped cowl. To be fair, I'm pretty happy with both of these projects (happy enough that I feel good about putting them in my shop). The colors are very pretty. While the finished objects are certainly not suitable for someone with a wool sensitivity, they're not overly scratchy.
However working with this yarn was a miserable experience. It actually caused me physical pain. I'm usually not sensitive to wool, but after a few hours of this running between my fingers it was driving me crazy. Also all four balls that I purchased had a lot of nature in them. When I say nature I mean dirt and various bits of plant matter. So much plant matter in fact, that I kept having to pull little splinters out of my poor fingers (hence the actual physical pain). No matter how happy I am with my finished objects, I don't think I can recommend a yarn that gives the knitter splinters :(
I am so happy I happened to open your blog. I was just about to purchase Plymouth Boku for an afghan. However, I have eczema and this yarn would not have been very good on my skin. Thank you for your honesty. I will look for something else.